Saturday, June 24, 2006

Tod Maffin is so cool

Tod Maffin by Mark BlevisI had a chance to hob-nob with Tod here at the conference. Despite the fact that all of Canada hails him as a pioneer in the podcasting field and interviews him for every piece they do on podcasting, he's such a laid back type of guy. Humble, smart and loves his cats.

When I was preparing for my presentation, he came up and asked me if I needed anything. When I told him "hand lotion," he rushed off and returned 3-minutes later with a small bottle of lotion.

(**sniff sniff**) No man has given me so much for so little. Well, except my dad. And my ex-boyfriend. Oh yes, and the guy I bought coffee from this morning (added extra cream). And the guy at McDonalds when I purchased a McGriddle (he almost gave the egg & cheese when I asked for egg, bacon & cheese). But still, I appreciated the gesture from Tod.

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