Wednesday, August 09, 2006

928 Canadian Friends, I'm Flattered

I was over at Amber's blog where she wrote up about the results of the Canadian Podcasting Survey that I co-authored.

Some chap said that while I was presenting at CaseCamp, I said that I had my friends fill out the survey.

To which I replied:

"Then I must have alot of friends. Just under 1000 of them. All across Canada. Wonder if I'm related to them all as well?"
My friends? They number in the ones, by golly, not in the hundreds. I asked people with blogs, large mailing lists, huge discussion boards and the like to help spread the word about filling out this survey. From there, word of mouth took over.

This is clearly explained in the methodology section of the report. I certainly didn't write that part of my methodology was to ask my "legion of friends" to fill it out.

Gimme a break, dude.

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